Privacy Policy

This website is managed by "Dimari Company" S.R.L., which undertakes to respect and protect the confidentiality of personal data provided by all visitors to our website. "Dimari Company" S.R.L. holds all rights to the content of this website, as well as to the materials published on it, and visitors are strictly prohibited from using them for purposes other than placing orders and informing about the activities carried out by our company. Any changes to the privacy policy will be published on the website

Processing of Personal Data Personal data collected through the website is processed to communicate with the buyer for the purpose of confirming and completing the order of goods on the website and their delivery to the address specified by the buyer.

To process and deliver orders for goods placed by the buyer, the following personal data will be requested before placing an order on the website: name, surname, patronymic, mobile phone/telephone/fax, email, address (place of residence, place of residence). The collected data is necessary to be able to identify the customer and contact them to confirm the order placement, its contents, and, if necessary, clarify issues related to the availability or delivery address of the purchased products.

Personal data processed to fulfill obligations will be stored until the company's obligations to the customer are fully fulfilled (receipt of the order by the recipient), after which they will be deleted.

Personal data collected through cookies will be processed taking into account the legitimate interests of the operator to ensure the proper functioning of the website and the functions offered by it, to protect against fraud, to analyze the duration of visits, access to products, or performed searches, without being able to identify the identity of customers, as well as their location.

Any changes to the policy will be published on the website